M'Bwebe Ishangi Talks

Slaveships to S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S. Master Course

Calling all Grade-High School, College Students, and Continuing Education Adults!


"The two most important days in a persons life is the day they are born and the day they understand why they were born."
~ M'Bwebe Ishangi


What is STEAM? STEAM is an acronym that stands for 'Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math'. This course, however, comes with a twist. In additon to Engineering, Economics and the study of Financial Literacy is added. Along with 'A'rts, you will learn about Architecture, Agriculture, Astronomy, Astrology, Anthropology, Afrofuturism, and Artificial Intelligence. Lastly, to compliment 'M'ath, we will go into Metaphysics.


Students will learn the primary motive behind colonization was not just to enslave people from the continent of Africa, it was their innovative genius that built cities, discovered electricity, and erect building structures that still baffles top engineers of today. Using S.H.I.P.S. (Sustainability, Holistic Health, Innovation, Prosperity, & Spirituality), students will walk away fully aware of their creative genius of antiquity and how it can be applied in todays world as we enter the fourth industrial revolution.


• Brought over in slaveships, *POADUS (People of Afrikan Descent in the United States) have continue to dwell at the bottom of socio-economic progress and opportunity.

• If we look at his-story, there was a reason colonizers of Portugal and Europe intentionally focused on the kidnap and exploitation of Afrikan free-labor to build the core foundation of the western world by way of the Maafa/Maangamizi (Middle Passage). This removal of millions were not just used to pick cotton and plant tobacco, they came for our Ances-Stars for a reason. We were the first city developers (architects,
engineers, agriculturalists, and even astrologists), we even created the first trade and commerce—all systems we see today unaware of its origin.

• Today S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is on the rise being taught in schools preparing for the next generation for sustainability. However, you’ll find scarce drops in school zones that
comprise of Black youth and teens.

• S.T.E.M. has been upgraded to S.T.E.A.M. with the ‘A’ standing for Art, but in the spirit of Sankofa, where we go back to fetch Our-story learning of the contributions of Black people to civilization, Agriculture,
Architecture, and Astronomy/Astrology should also be added, for as said, we were the first farmers, builders and star gazers.


• Further, through a historical analysis of OUR-story (again, by way of Sankofa), we will learn that although many of us arrived here on slaveships, it is now time we begin building S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S. using the same acronymic definitions created of S.T.E.A.M. to create S.H.I.P.S. based on the principles of Spirituality, Holistic Health, Innovation, Prosperity, and Sustainability.

• Merging S.T.E.A.M. with S.H.I.P.S. enables POADUS exposure to our hidden past so we may be in position to define and navigate a future that breaks the traditional practice of dependence on a society still not willing to treat us as equals. The motive is not segregative but rather giving the option to do for self by simply designing for self; something that has evaded us generationally.

• From Slaveships to S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S. focuses on the chronological timeline of the creation of race relations as the core behind socio-economic depravity we continue to endure post-emancipation. Through
critical analysis of this historical timeline, students will be fully aware of our contributions to civilization, giving a reference point that will inspire them to know the greatness they come from and the duty that follows to resurrect this contributing spirit.


• Areas that will be covered by instructor, M’Bwebe Ishangi:
A. History - We will go before 1619, back to the days of Kush and Kemet using a chronological time-lined analysis of historic periods and identify the Afrikan presence and creative contributions during this period.

B. Media - We will study the creation of Agitation Propaganda and its influence on culture identity. We will how the temperament and socioeconomic activities of race is shaped by what media stereotypically portrays and seduces how we are to act.


C. Architecture/City Planning - Channeling the spirit of Benjamin Banneker, we will explore the geological, mathematical, and astronomical design of early civilization’s building and industrial infrastructures in Afrika and how its influence is paramount in todays world. This includes city planning, food preparation, and renewable energy.

D. Renewable Energy, Tech & Robotics - Students will become aware of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that includes Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT Learning, Engineering, and the Automated/Digital shift emerging in today’s world.


E. Finances - Students will learn hidden fundamental concepts in wealth building methodologies including money management, credit building, and the concept of passive income and compound interest enabling intergenerational financial sustainability. A few highlighted areas will be credit, infinite banking, blockchain
technology, and cryptocurrency.


This programs is available for grade school through high school, collegiate students, and continued adult education.


Curriculum can be tailored from 10-20 weekly/biweekly sessions in person and virtual.



Recommended for all Middle School, High School and College Students, Graduates and continued educaiton for Adults.

II. PRESENTER: M’Bwebe Ishangi, Financial Therapist and Founder of Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement, LLC

III. LOCATION: Virtual via Zoom Platform / In-Person Available

- Set up on demand live in one-to-one or small groups

- Flex classes available for studetns to watch pre-recorded sessions on their own flexible schedule


Available for all age groups starting grade school to Continuing Adult Education *Presence is required as you will have direct access with Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement founder and Financial Therapist, M’Bwebe Ishangi. All sessions will be recorded and gifted to students for replay after completion of course.


Groups classes will be broken into same age groups


*In case your child's unable to attend live, all classes will be recorded and gifted to students for replay at their leisure and there's the Flex class option.


Enroll today!


*Registration dates:
• Regular Rate (5 Sesions): $225.00 $125.00 $100 OFF SCHOOL YEAR DISCOUNT!
• Registration on demand


Payments received via Zelle, PayPal, CashApp (@BitMarley), and Cryptocurrency (BTC & ETH)

To pay via Zelle or Cryptocurrency, CLICK HERE

Enroll for Live or FLEX Sessions

*Group discounts available for multiple enrollees!

**Earn additional discount or even earn money for referrals through our Affiliate Program.


Your will receive curriculum, digital workbook, links to all sessions, and other gifts upon completion of registration.




Q: Is this live or online?
A: Classes will be conducted on the Zoom platform. Once enrolled, each student will be emailed zoom links for each of our 5 sessions. If they choose Flex Classes, they will be emailed links of each class.


Q: Will classes be recorded?
A: Each class is recorded with an email link to replay at the end of each session. Upon completion of the course, each student will recieve a permalink giving access to the archives for 6-months free. They will be able to replay to continue/review their studies. After the 6th-month post graduation of this course, they will be able to resubscribe as a member of the Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement family.


Q: What if I miss a class or can’t attend all classes?
A: Although your presence is preferred for all classes because of the benefit of having instructor M'Bwebe Ishangi live, if you are unable to attend or you miss a class, each student will be emailed a recap and replay link to each class right after.


I look forward to aiding your child(ren) create a life of sustainability that will affect your entire bloodline presently and into the future!


Click >> HERE << to read my bio.


Wishing you health and well(th)



M'Bwebe Ishangi

Founder, Financial Therapist, STEAM Instructor

Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement, LLC

e: info@cryptowokemovement.com

p: 980.263.9240


© 2023 Cryptowoke Financial Sustainabilty Movement, LLC. Made By Nebulution Studios