M'Bwebe Ishangi Bio

M'Bwebe Ishangi Bio

A Financial Therapist, publisher and writer for 30 years, STEM/STEAM educator, and author of 6 books on topics and issues pertaining to the Afrikan Diaspora in the field of history, spirituality, health, culture, economics, interlaced to what Ishangi terms as ‘Self-Determined Sustainability', he emphasizes cultural resuscitation can only happen with the tenets of financial literacy as a substructural piece allowing one the freedom to express the life they’ve been born to live. This is exercised through his creation of the Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement.


A former Brand Marketing Strategist for the NBA (National Basketball Association), Ishangi demystifies Financial Literacy and shares how he went from loyal, corporate employee to financially sustainable living off his savings and investments.


Ishangi teaches personal finance, business and career development skills that encompasses much more than financial education. He focuses on instilling knowledge and confidence in his clients/students so they can experience—sometimes for the first time in their lives—financial dignity by simply enabling the ability to live off their savings and investments. This practice then leads to the creation of intergenerational wealth and sustainability.


As an author, his latest book, ‘A Pot to Piss In: Intergenerational Wealth Planning For Black People’, Ishangi explains there are numerous ways to create individual and intergenerational financial sustainability by following similar playbooks of those well-to-do families that have been able to live off their savings and investments for generations.


Hearing his talk and taking his Master Online course, you’ll learn the ‘cryptic’ or ‘hidden’ ways of how rich families have been able to keep their wealth for two centuries despite recessions and market crashes. You’ll leave with a new understanding on strategies to save for retirement as well as create residual income enabling you to work for yourself and even leave the Rat Race before falling victim to corporate ageism. For details of his courses, go here.



Next to financial freedom, Ishangi's other passion is resurrecting the practrices of self-determination and sustainability. As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are seeing all the movies of the 80s and 90s come to fruition. We are becoming more and more dependent on tech, the IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and automation. And while there are some good things about it, there are some other points we simply are not paying enough attention to.


Ishangi believes we are being lulled into a new era of dependence. To counter this, Ishangi created an educational/curriculum-based course for all ages (grade school to continued adult education) that focuses on the this. Entitled, 'From Slaveships to S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S. Using the history of design and innovation, Ishangi highlights the real reason Euro and Arab nations colonized and kidnapped millions of Afrikans. He shows it wasn't soley for free labor but moreso their innovative creativitiy as architects of the first civilizations.


Ishangi reveals this while also highlighting this genious still resides in us today! So yes, we may have come to the west by way of slaveships, but with todays opportunities, we will be moving forward designing our own S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S. using the following principles:


S - Science

T - Technology

E - Engineering and Economics

A - Art, Artchitecture, Archeology, Astronomy, Astrology

M - Math, Metaphysics

S - Spirituality

H - Holistics

I - Innovation

P - Prosperity

S - Sustainability


For inquiries how you can get access, contact M'Bwebe Ishangi

p: 980.263.9240

allmylinks: https://allmylinks.com/mbwebeishangi


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